Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Trek Reunion 2009

Tonight was the Reunion for the Charleston Stake Trek. Here is the link to the video that they showed. Each of the youth who participated received a copy to take home. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. There were so many people who helped make this Trek a great success. The extra's are not shown here, but the youth have those on their copies. The movie is 40 min. long and so it is saved in 2 parts.  You may need to adjust your volume, enjoy:)


Karen said...

I am glad to know that your trek video was 40 minutes. Mine was about that too and I had so many people tell they thought it was too long. I am excited to watch your video. So fun!!

Liz said...

Yeah, I am watching it now. Well waiting for it to buffer so I can watch it. What a fun memory for the kids to have.

Moscow Monson's said...

Hey Laurel, I've been a closet reader of yours for a while. I love to see all of you projects! I meant to comment on your wheat heat bags, and time slipped away. So anyway... if you ever hear of any crazy adult having their tonsils out and want to do something for them, this is a perfect gift!! I had mine out and used one; I can't tell you how great it was. Thanks for letting me read along with your arts, and adventures.
Holly (Rachel’s Friend in Moscow)

Buell Fam said...

Thank you for the darling pink hat and booties you sent for Brooke. It was such a fun surprise today. That was so thoughtful of you and we love them!

Liz said...

I finished watching all of the Trek movie. Amazing job Darren. I really enjoyed watching it and what a great job the stake did with putting the whole activity together.


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