Monday, August 04, 2008

Happy 24th Anniversary!

Today was a special day! It was 24 years ago that we became a forever family:) We celebrated by going to dinner at one of our favorite local restaurants Oscar's. Some of you have been there with us! But tonight it was just the 2 of us!

Darren brought these home for me. One red rose and eleven pink!

A Teddy Bear and a bright Anniversary ballon:)

We hope to have many more Anniversary celebrations together!


Jennifer said...

Happy Aniversary! Oscar's is great! I hope you a a wonderful day! I love your background.

Cassy said...

So cute! I was freaking out about 5, but 24 is awesome!

Shannon said...

24??!!! WOW, that is seriously awesome!!
Happy Anniversary!!

Idaho Penningtons said...

We are sure glad he married you!!! Happy anniversary!

Shalisa said...

Congratulations that is awesome!

Diana and Derek said...

Congrats!!! Anyone that can live with Darren deserves a medal. So give Nick a medal.

Elisa Wright said...

aww. I absolutely love and adore you both. Im so glad you guys are like parents to me, and that youve been together for those 24 years. You have all eternity, make the most out of it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone:) You have been an outstanding part of our lives and make us sooo happy:)

Buell Fam said...

Happy Anniversary! Sounds like a you had a great day!


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